Forum donations for hosting, updating, Server resources etc.

Basic rules and signing up information. How to donate towards the upkeep of the forum.
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Forum donations for hosting, updating, Server resources etc.

Post by weeksy »

So, i've been asked both via PM and on the board regarding setting up some sort of payment facility for the forum and the server.

As you're likely aware, these things come at a cost, both the server space, 24x7 support, the phpBB forum, the add-ins, the DNS name we now have etc etc.

For clarity, is the host i've picked, partly through research, partly for support and partly because that's just the one i picked, they're all as good/bad as eachother, like Broadband providers, like mobile phone companies etc... Some you win, some you lose.

So I don't want to go down the road of subscriptions currently or indeed down the route of adverts, i hate them with a passion, but they can be a necessary evil of course.

So with that in mind, people suggested i setup a Paypal account to take care of the payments for the upkeep/running.

So if anyone feels they want to help out, donate, etc, whatever you want to call it, then feel free to use PayPal
via the donate button on the bar, you'll also see it on the quick links list.

If you want to use paypal directly it's

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Re: Forum donations for hosting, updating, Server resources etc.

Post by weeksy »

Just a quick thank you to who have donated. It's because of you that we're now running SSL and have a validated certificate enabled on the website.