I know I met up with friends on Christmas Day - 9 adults, 2 kids - but at that point the resort had been pretty quiet until a couple of days before and none of us were socialising with anyone else. So it felt pretty ok (the bubble thing)
The couple I meet for hot wine on the snow front - we keep distance and put masks back as soon as the wine is finished (well, they smoke, so theirs are off more)
What I'm struggling with is the sheer number of grockles that aren't wearing them or aren't wearing them properly. Despite signs around saying they must be worn at all times. Where are the Police Municipale? Why don't the grockles care?
Yes I don't wear mine if I'm walking on the mountain alone - but as soon as someone comes into sight, I do put it back on
I know a few people who've had and recovered from Covid. I'm pretty sure I had the mildest case in the world ever back in March. Equally I have two friends who are struggling for breath if they walk up a flight of stairs - not something they had an issue with pre covid. It isn't just people dying, it's people having to live with long term issues that is also scary.
In general I know people here are pretty good - it's the people on holiday who aren't following the rules
Business owners and seasonaires up here just want the resort to open - but other resorts (in other countries) have proved that queue management isn't possible. Is it really better to open the lifts and get tourists (and their lurgies) in or should we accept that the season won't happen and deal with it?
But, as Weeksy said - how do you get people to care, follow the rules etc. I was definitely blasé at the start but conversations with a few friends made me take it a bit more seriously. And right now, despite being healthy, I don't want to go outside anywhere that there are grockles. I don't want to be near people!! I need to see my physio 3 times a week and TBH I want to make sure I'm not a carrier so that hopefully he doesn't get it!! Wonder if his other patients think that way??
Not sure anyone has the answer