What have you done today thread?

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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by ZRX61 »

Had a moan at Direct TV for buggering up the bill.

Last month it said the bill was $128 so that's what I paid

This month I get a bill for $169 that included $20 from last months $148 bill .. say what now?

So I call up, usually you end up speaking to some wallah in the PI or another hellhole.. However, when the recorded voice says "What do you need help with today?" replying "cancel service" gets you through to someone in the US so I have a fighting chance of understanding WTF they're saying.

So we start off at $169, she gives me a $20 credit, so now it's $148.

Then she says "I can also give you a loyal customer credit of $60 a month for a year, but that takes a couple of billing cycles to kick in"

Alllllrighty then! yes please!

"I can also give you a one-time $25 credit for the billing issue"

ok, I'll take that too.

While all this is going on I'm hitting "refresh" on the billing page

By the time we get done the bill has gone from $169.03 to $64.03. :obscene-drinkingcheers:
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Noggin »

I took my nephew and his girlfriend to the airport today :( :( Then had to wait hours for the customers I was picking up. Turns out that four were on a different flight (not something we'd been told!) and whilst the first ones arrived on time, the other flight was delayed by about 3 hours :roll: Eventually I got told not to wait for the late ones and went back to pick up the on time ones - after they'd had to wait almost three hours :roll: :roll: At least they weren't miffed with me!

Home, tried to meet with some mates for a beer, no one replied with anything but 'just got home, sorry'! Oh well. Came back and baked the gingerbread men I'd planned to do yesterday! LOL All set for tomorrow now :D

You'd have thought I'd be happy to have my apartment (and bed!) back and the apartment clean with no random lights left on all day! But, been a randomly emotional/teary evening :( So, I'm going to bed early so I can catch up on some sleep and get ready for an early walk up the mountain (and so I don't open my present!)!! :D :D

Definitely need a bigger place so it's easier to have visitors!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by ChrisW »

Only person awake in the house until seconds before noon... In the afternoon we had a couple of hours making gingerbread & later on went to a KFC to get takeaway for dinner. It's a Japanese tradition apparently & I figured 'why not?'.
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Noggin »

I worked today but first I walked halfway up a mountain!! Next time I do it, when I don't have to work later, I plan to head to the top of a mountain! Maybe Wednesday :D

Looking down on resort before the sun was only thinking about being 'up'!


Mountain views :D



This is about where I've got to before. Took my skis off and was ready to ski down but then realised that my mates coffee place wouldn't be open that early so I thought I might as well walk a bit further!! LOL



I should have walked a bit further up as where this number is was a bit steep for putting the skis back on!! But I did need to turn around about here. However it has made me realise that the top of the mountain isn't 'that' far away!! Although when I told my brother and my dad this morning that it was 'only about 300m up' they bother howled with laughter and said (I quote) - "only a raving loony that lives up a mountain would say 'only' 300m up| :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by ZRX61 »

Found a "Best before Nov 24th 2021" Iceland chrimble pud!

Ate it.
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Noggin »

I'm sure some will be proper bored of my sunrise mountain pics, but I'll bore you all again today cos - I was so very close to the top of the mountain I'd targeted today!! It's a slightly 'easier' walk than the one I really want to do, so good for training! LOL Sadly I didn't quite get to the top, a muscle at the top of my thigh (into my groin I suppose) started to get a bit grumpy and then shouty before I got to the top. I did get to a sort of plateau so could see the sun just after it came up, so that was pretty good. A bit annoying cos the last bit is only about 200-250 metres in distance, but it is pretty bastard steep for going up after a two hour walk! LOL

So, in two hours i did more than twice my previous one hour distance, so I must be getting better at this! :lol:

Bloody awesome full moon! When I drove my nephew to the airport on Sunday, we saw the moon 'setting' and it was so beautiful. I had to walk a long way to see that today, cos I kept gettin ghigher, so it didn't set until I started to slow quite a bit! :lol:


Not quite as impressive as on the transfer, but damn it was a lovely sight :D :D


Just gorgeous views :D



I got here and could easily have quit. But it was a bit too early to head to my mate's cafe and to be honest, the top looks quite close from here - even though I knew it really wasn't, but you know, so close!! LOL It's not a sstraight route up to the top of the chairlift, you have to go left under the chair, then up , then right, then right again and finally at the top!!


Nearly at the plateau where I stopped - just before the last right turn!


Ok, stopped here. Gorgeous views and about 9.15am so people were starting to ski back down!! The piste to the left is one that I'm half planning to take one day to also get to the top of the final goal mountain :D Bit of a cheat but I reckon I could walk to the top of Les Verdons, then ski down here and put the skins back on and walk up to the top of the Grande Rochette. In a couple of weeks!! Need to be fit enough to walk up relatively easily first!! LOL


This is the bit I bailed on. As I said before, I really would have just carried on but for the muscle that was starting to hurt. But that last bit will be a bit of a bastard, from my 'can't give up now' point to the top it's quite a bit steeper than I thought! :lol:


For anyone that knows La Plagne, it was here!! LOL And Mont Blanc is in the background :D


I've almost gone native! Two strong black coffees at Le Petit Bo Bar and I was just about fit to walk home for bacon and egg!! :bblonde: :bblonde:


I know lots of pics might be a bit much, but hey - the views are lovely and someone will like them!

For me, it's the fact that I got to the point I did in only two hours that I'm most amazed and proud about!! LOL :bblonde: :bblonde: :bblonde: :obscene-drinkingcheers: :obscene-drinkingcheers: :obscene-drinkingcheers:

Planning a lie in tomorrow and some day drinking today! LOL :angelic-green: :angelic-green:
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by ZRX61 »

Worked on the SBH. Cleaned up some hardware with a wirewheel on a bench grinder.
Dropped a piece on the floor, stuck my arm in the wire wheel as I bent over, stung a bit, no claret
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Ditchfinder »

Sacked off being off from work and come in instead. Weather is too shit for riding or walking the dogs, house has noisy TV's playing crap films or christmas music on in multiple rooms, doors left wide open so it's freezing and every time I sit down I'm given something to do.

Now enjoying a quiet brew in a warm office trying to find a garage open that can fix the daughters car which bricked it's ECM on Christmas Eve
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Mr Moofo »

Spending hours trying to mend the man shed door. In all honesty, most of it is rotten as fuck, but storm Gerrit and my wife's forgetfulness to use. brick to anchor it, means the bottom end of it was knocked off.
Further probing with a screwdriver showed it was all rotten - and the hinge fell out.

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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Count Steer »

Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:07 pm Spending hours trying to mend the man shed door. In all honesty, most of it is rotten as fuck, but storm Gerrit and my wife's forgetfulness to use. brick to anchor it, means the bottom end of it was knocked off.
Further probing with a screwdriver showed it was all rotten - and the hinge fell out.

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Your wife has been in your man shed, when you weren't there? That's grounds for divorce and no court in the land would argue. :lol:
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Mr Moofo »

Count Steer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:27 pm
Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:07 pm Spending hours trying to mend the man shed door. In all honesty, most of it is rotten as fuck, but storm Gerrit and my wife's forgetfulness to use. brick to anchor it, means the bottom end of it was knocked off.
Further probing with a screwdriver showed it was all rotten - and the hinge fell out.

Heath Robinson would be impressed by my botching
Your wife has been in your man shed, when you weren't there? That's grounds for divorce and no court in the land would argue. :lol:
It is a big issue - but the dryer is in there - so she has to go in.
The dreaded statement "I have tidied the man shed" is not something I like to hear
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by mangocrazy »

Mrs Mango is escorted at all times if she wishes to enter the M S and is not allowed to pick anything up.

Hell, I even make sure the cat wipes his feet on the way in.
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Count Steer »

Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:17 pm
Count Steer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:27 pm
Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:07 pm Spending hours trying to mend the man shed door. In all honesty, most of it is rotten as fuck, but storm Gerrit and my wife's forgetfulness to use. brick to anchor it, means the bottom end of it was knocked off.
Further probing with a screwdriver showed it was all rotten - and the hinge fell out.

Heath Robinson would be impressed by my botching
Your wife has been in your man shed, when you weren't there? That's grounds for divorce and no court in the land would argue. :lol:
It is a big issue - but the dryer is in there - so she has to go in.
The dreaded statement "I have tidied the man shed" is not something I like to hear
You'll never find anything again, ever. You'll know it's in there somewhere but once your mind map of what appears to the lesser mind to be chaos has been disturbed/tidied everything is lost. :(
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Mr Moofo »

Count Steer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:40 pm
Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:17 pm
Count Steer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:27 pm

Your wife has been in your man shed, when you weren't there? That's grounds for divorce and no court in the land would argue. :lol:
It is a big issue - but the dryer is in there - so she has to go in.
The dreaded statement "I have tidied the man shed" is not something I like to hear
You'll never find anything again, ever. You'll know it's in there somewhere but once your mind map of what appears to the lesser mind to be chaos has been disturbed/tidied everything is lost. :(
She has a filing system which is better than mine.
`other than when she forgets where she has put them (or what)
I do have a kind of map of what is where in my head
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Count Steer »

Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:43 pm
Count Steer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:40 pm
Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:17 pm

It is a big issue - but the dryer is in there - so she has to go in.
The dreaded statement "I have tidied the man shed" is not something I like to hear
You'll never find anything again, ever. You'll know it's in there somewhere but once your mind map of what appears to the lesser mind to be chaos has been disturbed/tidied everything is lost. :(
She has a filing system which is better than mine.
`other than when she forgets where she has put them (or what)
I do have a kind of map of what is where in my head
Exactly! They're systematic whereas our mental filing systems are chaotic. We don't need their steenking systems, our brains thrive on and cope with chaos. :D
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Cousin Jack »

Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:43 pm I do have a kind of map of what is where in my head
I use a random access filing system based on the offset from pointers. The pointers themselves are random misplaced objects, quite clearly not in their right place.

Mrs CJ can destroy my system in seconds with a bit of 'tidying'. And she does. 😥
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Yorick »

Cousin Jack wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:10 pm
Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:43 pm I do have a kind of map of what is where in my head
I use a random access filing system based on the offset from pointers. The pointers themselves are random misplaced objects, quite clearly not in their right place.

Mrs CJ can destroy my system in seconds with a bit of 'tidying'. And she does. 😥
That made no sense :obscene-birdiedoublered:
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by Noggin »

Who are these women??? I mean, I know I've lived alone for 30 ish years, but NO WAY would I ever tidy a man shed (and I'd expect the same respect about my baking/sewing stuff!!)

But damn - surely the whole universe knows not to move stuff in a man shed??!! :lol:
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by MingtheMerciless »

Count Steer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:27 pm
Mr Moofo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:07 pm Spending hours trying to mend the man shed door. In all honesty, most of it is rotten as fuck, but storm Gerrit and my wife's forgetfulness to use. brick to anchor it, means the bottom end of it was knocked off.
Further probing with a screwdriver showed it was all rotten - and the hinge fell out.

Heath Robinson would be impressed by my botching
Your wife has been in your man shed, when you weren't there? That's grounds for divorce and no court in the land would argue. :lol:
Reasonable grounds for a new patio if you ask me.
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Re: What have you done today thread?

Post by MingtheMerciless »

I turned off the power to a bit of the railway early doors due to a suicidal person on the track, there then followed a keystone cops scene where the Transport Police tried finding him but he’d hid in the bushes so they gave up and as they walked off the track they saw a light in the distance (where they’d been searching) so they went back to find person was lying on the track looking at his phone!!

Got home, slept and now back at work waiting for another troubled person to visit my railway. It is not the season to be jolly…….
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"My dear Doctor, they're all true."
"Even the lies?"
"Especially the lies."