Going to a new doctor here is a challenge. Had to go to ask for paperwork to go sort some girly stuff and also to confirm if he had to write a prescription of a colon cancer check (I've been getting letters telling me to go cos I is old

Normal doctor wasn't there so whole appointment in French

I can talk in French about my shoulder to anyone, but other stuff is all words I don't use often

So it was a challenge. And, one of my friends had told me what to ask for and where I needed to go - Doctor was 'oh no, you need to go here'!!
So, I'm confused but do have relevant paperwork - and a prescription for more pain meds as, if I don't see the physio for a week or so more, then I'll flipping need them!! LOL
Didn't go through the other things on my list as the two things I asked about took so long/seemed so complicated (when they both should have been simple!) I got fed up with the struggle