My grumpy/bitchy passengers did this on Saturday. I went to check the vehicle early morning before I went to sleep because, despite asking people to take rubbish with them, there is always some rubbish that needs collecting and yes - various empty and half full drinks bottles, empty crisp packets/biscuit wrappers (and accompany crumbs all over the seats and floor). I saw something in the net pocket on the back of the seat but had no inkling of what it was until I'd grabbed it and the wet wipes

FFS, what parent that is travelling with a baby doesn't have a plastic bag to put a dirty nappy in? And what sort of human just leaves a dirty nappy without a plastic bag around it tucked away like that for someone else to find??
My instructors at the school and various colleagues have always said how dirty, disrespectful and generally disgusting British passengers are and I've always said, "they aren't that bad really"
Well, I was wrong. I'm finding that people that book the bigger buses are WAY worse than those in minibuses. And I have to agree with the instructors and colleagues - especially after the nappy incident. I may start enforcing the "not food and drink" rule just cos I am a bit fed up (already) of having to clear up after people - even when I say "if you do eat or drink, please take your rubbish with you"