Went to faff about with the F350... opened the right door, then clicked the unlock button to unlock the others... Just got a buzz, no click..
Used key to open drivers door, put key in ignition & ... nothing... well crap.
Grab battery charger.. had to pull terminals as the jaws on the charger wouldn't fit, attached charger to battery posts... (batteries now separated)
Right battery: 3.6v & then a few minutes later charger says "Battery failure" Arsebiscuits !
Left battery: 6v & currently taking a charge.. so far.
Plan is to get the left battery up to 12v, then revisit the right one.... plus find a pukka charger with larger jaws.... and attach a pigtail for my battery tender doodad I use on the bikes, I have a spare pigtail some place.
Methinks I either left a light on last time I drove it on Monday.. or there's an issue with the work done by the shop that installed the dash cam set up & new sound system.
In related news: I frigging HATE dealing with auto electrics, but for some reason I'm fine with aircraft or Kawasaki electrics.
Update: Left battery now at 12v+.. but 60%, so I'll walk away for a couple of hours. (found the spare tender pigtail)
The only good news is that I have the factory '96 Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual which will no doubt confuse me further.
Discovered the previous owner somehow managed to install the top-lock nuts (like Nylocs, but all-metal) on the battery terminal bolts by threading them on lock-side first. Didn't think that was possible.
Got truck batteries somewhat charged & it fired right up... which is when I noticed that some blithering idiot left an overhead light on when he last drove the truck on Sunday, so that explains the issue.
Battery Tender from bikes now hooked up to truck batteries... & angled that I can see the lights on the front of it without having to get up from my chair & go outside.
I'll have me take myself out for a drink later to apologize for that fuck up...
ZRX61 wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 9:32 pm
Discovered the previous owner somehow managed to install the top-lock nuts (like Nylocs, but all-metal) on the battery terminal bolts by threading them on lock-side first. Didn't think that was possible.
It's possible if the nut has been wound on and the bolt/stud has come through the "loc" (forming a thread), then the nut, when reversed, has something to start threading with
Happy owner today. Bought the truck back in March & have fueled up 6 times. It's been getting about 12.7mpg...
Starting using EDT & recently did an oil/filter change with a half a jug of HotsShots oil goop in it.
Filled up last night. Now getting 16mpg!!
This was a first, used to other OBS drivers giving a wave... but today I got a thumbs up from a bloke driving a Toyota on the 101. Makes a change from the usual finger