I saw the chef Richard Bertinet make baguettes on the James Martin show a while back. Didn't see all the demo sadly, so has been a bit of guess work. But I do love his baking! And, I do so hate having to chuck away more than half of a baguette when I buy them from the boulangerie.
So -
Very simple recipe with overnight proving in the fridge -
Never had a bread dough rise like this!! LOL
I am pretty sure I didn't 'form' them quite right, and they certainly didn't double in size whilst proving in this cloth thingy
It says to put on a wooden board or upturned baking tray, neither of which I have, so I'd heated a baking stone in the oven whilst sorting all the prep. Partly because I always figure that putting baked stuff onto a cold stone doesn't help. Anyway - in the oven (no, my feet are not in the oven!! LOL) -
Didn't get them lined up very well on the stone, but here they are!! LOL
Think they needed 'something' as they are bit heavy on the bottom, maybe (the other three are still on the stone so hopefully that will help them)
Damn that was good!!
Probably cutting the other three in half and freezing them as I think I could have cooked them a smidge longer, so whilst not exactly par baked, they could cope with a bit more cooking!!
The major downside is that whilst posting about this on an FB page, someone mentioned that Richard Bertinet runs classes. They are only in Bath
Sooo - there are a load that are now on my wish list! Right at the top as the REALLY REALLY want to list!! Not massively expensive but it'll be next year sadly. But, bread/baguettes, patisserie, croissant/viennoiserie and 2 x pastry classes!! AND he does four or five day courses, which cover some/most of whats one the others!!
