This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

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This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Taipan »

I'm 100% sure he will defeat the 14th amendment and get in under the 22nd and be elected President again! Yay or nay?
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Hoonercat »

The state is asking about a 2021 financial statement. Trump says he thinks it's accurate - he hopes so.
“I was so busy in the White House,” he says, adding his focus was on China and Russia.
"For the record, you weren't president in 2021 were you?" prosecutor Kevin Wallace asks.
Trump says no.
Sounds like perfect US presidential material :D
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Horse »

Interesting article on the BBC news, includes:

What if Donald Trump goes to prison?

The former president faces 91 criminal charges in four separate trials which are all likely to take place next year.

The maximum potential sentences amount to hundreds of years behind bars but few legal experts think that is likely, even if convicted.

Trump's lawyers have been trying hard without success to delay the trials until after the election. They know that winning the election would probably mean a delay of four years because most legal opinion rules out prosecuting a sitting president other than by impeachment by Congress.

If he goes to prison before the election, there is nothing to say he can't still win it.

Being a convicted felon does not prevent him running in a presidential election - 100 years ago, a candidate garnered nearly a million votes from behind bars. It would clearly hamper any campaigning but polls suggest many Republican voters would not be put off.

If he were elected from prison, he might be able to pardon himself of any federal convictions but if he is jailed in one of the two state cases, he would have no power to do the same. That raises the bizarre possibility of being president while an inmate.

We are in truly unprecedented territory, and even the best legal brains in the country are scratching their heads.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Buckaroo »

Just proves the saying that USA = united state of amnesia.

Who in their right mind would vote for such a POS?

Wasn't once enough!

The world has definitely gone bonkers, or at least the USA has.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Felix »

Taipan wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:52 pm I'm 100% sure he will defeat the 14th amendment and get in under the 22nd and be elected President again! Yay or nay?
Drinking on a school night :o

Im telling :lol: :lol:
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by mangocrazy »

I mean, what a choice the US electorate is offered; Biden or Trump. Two old duffers who should by rights be in retirement homes, neither of whom appear to be in full possession of their faculties. It's a bit like being offered the choice of having your balls cut off or crushed between two bricks.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by MrLongbeard »

Horse wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:24 pm being president while an inmate.
It'll be right, s'long as he doesn't drop the nuclear football in the shower
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by DefTrap »

He can't win because obviously the left wing mysterious intelligencia that control everything won't let it happen. Any fule knows that. Unless they 'let' Trump win to 'prove' they don't control everything.

I'm quite looking forward to a Trump term - Biden isn't anywhere near as amusing.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Mr. Dazzle »

mangocrazy wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:37 pm It's a bit like being offered the choice of having your balls cut off or crushed between two bricks.
"PETA Member: But Stan, don't you know? It's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Nearly every election since the beginning of time has been between some douche and some turd. They're the only people who suck up enough to make it that far in politics."

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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Taipan »

Have you seen any of his electoral promises? He's going to make America great again!

This is from CNN earlier in the year, but there have been updates since then...

Former President Donald Trump has hit the 2024 campaign trail and is giving voters a preview of what a second Trump presidency could look like if he’s elected. He’s made many campaign promises – many of which are often vague and lacking in details or specifics – including ending the war in Ukraine, building 10 new cities and giving drug smugglers the death penalty.

Here are some of the policies he says he would enact if elected for a second term.

Drug cartels
“The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels,” former President Donald Trump said in a January campaign video.

If elected, Trump said in his November 2022 campaign announcement that he would ask Congress to ensure that drug smugglers and human traffickers can receive the death penalty for their “heinous acts.” The former president also vowed to “take down” drug cartels by imposing naval embargos on cartels, cutting off cartels’ access to global financial systems and using special forces within the Department of Defense to damage the cartels’ leadership.

“When I am president, we will put parents back in charge and give them the final say,” Trump said in a January campaign video, speaking about education

The former president said he would give funding preferences and “favorable treatment” to schools that allow parents to elect principals, abolish teacher tenure for K-12 teachers, use merit pay to incentivize quality teaching and cut the number of school administrators, such as those overseeing diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Trump also said in the campaign video that he would cut funding for schools that teach critical race theory and gender ideology. In a later speech, Trump said he would bring back the 1776 Commission, which was launched in his previous administration to “teach our values and promote our history and our traditions to our children.”

Lastly, the former president said he would charge the Department of Justice and the Department of Education with investigating civil rights violations of race-based discrimination in schools while also removing “Marxists” from the Department of Education. A second Trump administration would pursue violations in schools of both the Constitution’s Establishment and Free Exercise clauses, which prohibit the government establishment of religion and protect a citizen’s right to practice their own religion, he said.

Gender care
“I will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutilation of our youth and ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states,” Trump said at the 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference in March.

Trump added in a campaign video that he would issue an executive order instructing federal agencies to cut programs that promote gender transitions, as well as asking Congress to stop the use of federal dollars to promote and pay for gender-affirming procedures. The former president added that his administration would not allow hospitals and healthcare providers to meet the federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare if they provide chemical or physical gender-affirming care to youth.

Trump said in two February campaign videos that, if “Marxist” prosecutors refuse to charge crimes and surrender “our cities to violent criminals,” he “will not hesitate to send in federal law enforcement to restore peace and public safety.”

Trump added that he would instruct the Department of Justice to open civil rights investigations into “radical left” prosecutors’ offices that engaged in racial enforcement of the law, encourage Congress to use their legal authority over Washington, DC, to restore “law and order” and overhaul federal standards of disciplining minors to address rising crimes like carjackings.

Addressing policies made in what Trump calls the “Democrats’ war on police,” the former president vowed in a campaign video that he would pass a “record investment” to hire and retrain police, strengthen protections like qualified immunity, increase penalties for assaulting law enforcement officers and deploy the National Guard when local law enforcement “refuses to act.” The former president added that he would require law enforcement agencies that receive money from his funding investment or the Department of Justice to use “proven common sense” measures such as stop-and-frisk.

Foreign policy
“Shortly after I win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled,” Trump said at a New Hampshire campaign event, adding in another speech that it would take him “no longer than one day” to settle the war if elected. Trump offered no details on how he would end the war in Ukraine.

Trump further addressed his strategy of stopping the “never-ending wars” by vowing to remove warmongers, frauds and “failures in the senior ranks of our government,” and replace them with national security officials who would defend America’s interests. The former president added in a campaign video that he would stop lobbyists and government contractors from pushing senior military officials towards war.

Trump said he would restore his “wonderful” travel ban on individuals from several majority-Muslim countries to “keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country” after President Joe Biden overturned the ban in 2021.

New cities and flying cars
Trump said in multiple campaign videos that he would spearhead an effort to build Freedom Cities to “reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American Dream.”

In his plan, the federal government would charter 10 new cities on federal land, awarding them to areas with the best development proposals. The former president said in a campaign video that the Freedom Cities would bring the return of US manufacturing, economic opportunity, new industries and affordable living.

In the March video, Trump added that the US under a second Trump administration would lead in efforts to “develop vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicles for families and individuals,” not letting China lead “this revolution in air mobility.” The former president said these airborne vehicles would change commerce and bring wealth into rural communities.

‘Deep State’
“When I am president, this whole rotten system of censorship and information control will be ripped out of the system at large. There won’t be anything left,” Trump said in a January video.

To address the “disturbing” relationship between technology platforms and the government, the former president said he would enact a seven-year cooling off period before employees at agencies such as the FBI or CIA can work for platforms that oversee mass user data.

Trump added in multiple campaign releases that he would task the Department of Justice with investigating and prosecuting the online censorship “regime,” ban federal agencies from “colluding” to censor citizens, fire bureaucrats who are believed to engage in federal censorship and suspend federal money to universities participating in “censorship-supporting activities.”

On false information, the president would ban the use of taxpayer dollars to label any domestic speech as mis- or disinformation, as well as stopping federal funding of nonprofits and academic programs that study mis- or disinformation.

Under the proposed Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, the former president said if other countries impose tariffs in the US, “we charge THEM – an eye for an eye, a tariff for a tariff, same exact amount.”

Trump vowed in a campaign video to impose the same tariffs that other countries may impose on the US on those countries. The goal, the former president said, is to get other countries to drop their tariffs.

As part of a larger strategy to bring jobs back into the US, Trump said he would also implement his America First trade agenda if elected. Setting universal baseline tariffs on a majority of foreign goods, the former president said Americans would see taxes decrease as tariffs increase. His proposal also includes a four-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods, as well as stopping China from buying up America and stopping the investment of US companies in China.

“With victory, we will again build the greatest economy ever,” Trump said in his November campaign announcement. “It will take place quickly. We will build the greatest economy ever,” though he didn’t provide specific policy proposals or explain how he would improve the economy.

Trump said he would repeal Biden’s tax hikes, “immediately tackle” inflation and end what he called Biden’s “war” on American energy production.

Government reform
At CPAC, Trump promised to, “fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system like it has never been weaponized before…” Trump also said in a campaign video that he would reinstate a 2020 executive order to remove “rogue” bureaucrats and propose a constitutional amendment for term limits on members of Congress.

Trump also pledged to “appoint US Attorneys who will be the polar opposite of the Soros District Attorneys and others that are being appointed throughout the United States.” The former president added on to this message, vowing to end the “reign” of such investigations and district attorneys and overhaul the Department of Justice and the FBI.

Second Amendment
“I will take Biden’s executive order directing the federal government to target the firearms industry, and I will rip it up and throw it out on day one,” Trump said at the 2023 National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action leadership forum in April.

The former president also promised in the speech that the government would not infringe on citizens’ Second Amendment rights and that he would push Congress to pass a concealed carry reciprocity.

“I will create a special team to rapidly review every action taken by federal agencies under Biden’s ‘equity’ agenda that will need to be reversed. We will reverse almost all of them,” Trump said in a campaign video.

Trump added in multiple campaign videos that he would revoke Biden’s equity executive order that required federal agencies to deliver equitable outcomes in policy and conduct equity training. If elected, Trump said he would also fire staffers hired to implement Biden’s policy, and then reinstate his 2020 executive order banning racial and sexual stereotyping in the federal government.

“When I’m president, I will ensure that America’s future remains firmly in American hands just as I did when I was president before,” Trump said in a campaign video.

Trump vowed to restrict Chinese ownership of US infrastructure such as energy, technology, telecommunications and natural resources. The former president also said he would force the Chinese to sell current holdings that may put national security at risk. “Economic security is national security,” he said.

Trump vowed in a June campaign video to reinstate his previous executive order that the US government would pay the same price for pharmaceuticals as other developed countries to “end this global freeloading on American consumers for once and for all.”

Some of the former presidents’ pharmaceutical policies were overturned by Biden. Trump said in the video his administration would pay the best prices offered to other countries, who he said often pay lower pharmaceutical prices than Americans. This policy, Trump believes, would cause the pharmaceutical industry to raise prices for other countries while lowering costs for Americans.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Mussels »

No mention of extending Biden's wall?
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Mr Moofo »

I am still amazed that in a population of 260 million that Biden and Trump are the best that they can come up with.
I realise Americans are stupid - but not that stupid, surely ?
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Buckaroo »

Sadly, having worked in the states for a long time and getting to know many Americans, stupidity isn't the issue as such. Lot's of super intelligent and decent people are incredibly naive when it comes to politics; believing only what fits their agenda and ignoring all the rest as nonsense, fake news or propaganda.

Sounds like the rest of the world.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Mr Moofo »

Buckaroo wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:27 am Sadly, having worked in the states for a long time and getting to know many Americans, stupidity isn't the issue as such. Lot's of super intelligent and decent people are incredibly naive when it comes to politics; believing only what fits their agenda and ignoring all the rest as nonsense, fake news or propaganda.

Sounds like the rest of the world.
That doesn't stop them picking decent candidates for president - the current ones make George W Bush look good
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by DefTrap »

It'll be interesting to see how Trump might cope without having the excuse of COVID hanging over him. If ever there was an excuse for mad, directionless, thoughtless policy-making, COVID was it - people give leaders all sorts of leeway when 'unprecedented situation' raises it's ugly head.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Yambo »

Mr Moofo wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:30 am

That doesn't stop them picking decent candidates for president - the current ones make George W Bush look good

They're both going to die. I wonder who'll step up then . . .
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Mr. Dazzle »

Biden was supposed to die in the first 3 months so that VP Harris who "they" actually wanted would take over. That didn't pan out too well did it?
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by gremlin »

Mr. Dazzle wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:21 pm Biden was supposed to die in the first 3 months so that VP Harris who "they" actually wanted would take over. That didn't pan out too well did it?
I'd forgotten all about her. Where's she been? You'd think she'd be capitalising on Bumblin' Biden's multiple cock-ups to make herself the heir apparent.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by DefTrap »

Mr. Dazzle wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:21 pm Biden was supposed to die in the first 3 months so that VP Harris who "they" actually wanted would take over. That didn't pan out too well did it?
He falls over so often, you wouldn't even have to engineer his demise.
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Re: This time next year, President Trump moves back into the Whitehouse...

Post by Taipan »

The man sells apple pie wrapped in old glory on the 4th of July. He's back in for sure!