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Re: Limitless

Post by DefTrap »

Everything you put in your body has a risk Vs a benefit. That exact premise of risk Vs benefit is written into local and international law when it comes to drugs trials. Finding two cases of a condition that could be linked to a vaccine delivered to millions of patients isn't evidence of censorship or cover up, it's actually quite likely, even normal I'm afraid. It's certainly not buried because look there it is, published.

And again, for anyone who doesn't care or doesn't want to know the bleeding obvious; don't read my stuff. Ignorance is bliss.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

OK so I see some threads talking about me so I think I'd like to chip in, in the relevant topic.

Regards mental health issues, I suppose that's not too far from the truth but having been seen by a number of psychiatrists, you can rule out paranoia and schizophrenia to name but two. Still on the cards, autism/Aspergers or ADHD. I'm told the waiting list is 18 month for a response. It's been that long and I finally chased it up with my GP who tells me he has reapplied for an assessment so I'm back on the list. Ask me in 18 months.

Closer to the actual situation is immense stress. Years after I first mooted the idea when I lost a tranche of my visual field, I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Apart from the loss of visual acuity, over the years I'm losing full use of my left arm, went through a period of extreme heart palpitations and some bowel issues I don't even want to think about.

All of those physical systems were checked, poked prodded and tested by individual specialists in their field. eye doctors, heart specialists, gastroenterologists et. al. Everything looked fine. Even with a full slice missing from my vision (I didn't see circles, I saw Pacman) my eyesight was declared 20:20. My heart is in great shape, arteries are clean as a whistle, as are the other routes. I am not surprised, I kept myself in shape all these years. Turns out, it was indeed all brain related.

Like I say, years later (and years ago now!) I was informed there were anomalies within my brain. First (after the visual defect) there were 3 anomalous sites (of demyelination) then after the next scan, 5, then 8. Anyone familiar with the Fibonacci sequence can see why that leads me to believe there is an infection "flowering" inside my skull. Eating into brain matter, leaving scars and upsetting whichever system that particular area happens to control.

The brain can metastasise and mitigate tissue loss by finding alternative paths, creating new neural networks, circumventing the damage but the disease is incurable and the stress of that is, well, I would say "driving me nuts" but I invite anyone to just stop and think for a moment what it is like to live under the threat of sudden, permanent loss of function in some random body part. It is the sword of Damocles. How to fuck am I supposed to enjoy anything?

On top of that, I dare not accept a C*V*D innoculation/vaccine/whatever which even though I believe that has been shown to be more of a moneymaking scam than any sort of protection, that does leave me vulnerable to societal pressures. Secondly, since MS is a form of immune deficiency, if I catch that bio-engineered virus, it will be extremely serious, so much so that I have to carry a card. Do not pass go, go straight to intensive care sort of thing.

On top of THAT I am still not classed as disabled, I am not entitled to any sort of disability benefit so I would have to apply for a job (or pretend to) in order to claim jobseekers. Having been through that mill once; never again. I am not too proud to sweep the roads or stack shelves in Tescos but with the stress I am under and the complete lack of a braintomouth filter, I would not last 5 minutes in a regular workplace.

All of my employment has been somewhat specialist and to put it bluntly, people almost expect their geeks to be antisocial misfits. If you can do that one thing that no one else can and do it well, your employer will turn a blind eye to virtually anything. That is no longer true and some of the outbursts or dark, sardonic humour I am capable of would have seen me thrown in jail let alone get me sacked. This may be the reason behind my "obsession" with the woke nonsense which I see both as a widespread mental illness in itself and a potential trapdoor designed specifically for people like me to fall into.

Our society has not yet evolved to cope with social media.

I made it though my personal troubles and I am now "living" on one or two of my pensions, MoD/BBC with Siemens and the state pension to look forwards to. I have a small pile of cash but it has to last me the rest of my life. It is enough to buy a reasonable car or perhaps a watch that @Potter might admire, instead, I'm watching this small pile of cash gradually dribble away, punctuated only by the occasional spurt caused by ridiculous bills from the energy companies.

Anyhow, this is a catchup; they are (finally!) putting me on a drug that **might** slow down the infection but will have as yet unknown side effects. They drop off the first batch tomorrow and I get trained how to self administer an injection. Deep joy. Then I'll be on a monthly(?) trip to hospital to see what it's doing to me. I'm not looking forwards to finding out actually. On Wednesday though, I am looking forwards to finding out what the fuck is going on with my left arm which is giving me pins and needles as if I just twatted my funny bone with a ball pein hammer. To be honest, I am not expecting it to be good news. It's either arthritic (unlikely), MS related (maybe) or nerve damage from a botched foraminotomy and resulting stenosis (my best guess).

...and that ladies and gentlemen is how my life is going to progress from now until I die. Endless injections, relapse and remitting MS and a pension scheme that would make a church mouse cut back on its cheese.

More annoying for me is I know what I am still capable of when the mood takes me but my mood swings are becoming quite, err, pronounced. Some days I literally cannot do anything. I get up dog tired, check on the forum(s) for some level of social interaction, test out a few ideas on the world at large until a crushing weight of tiredness hits me as if gravity just got stronger and I fall to sleep on the sofa, wake up and go back to bed. I'm not even kidding. That's about half of my current life. I actually think that aspect of my behaviour is indeed a mental health issue. I have lost my mojo.

I wish my current state was only a mental health issue. They can be fixed but here is no cure for MS, it's just a gradual slide with the occasional bump when you lose some function you really don't want to be without. Relapse and remit they call it. Apparently a potential "relapse" can be heart related, another one might be lung function, neither of which you can do without for long.

I did apologise for getting so wound up on this forum and I did mean it. I really don't want to bite anyones head off but I can only take so much. "ORLY", I hear you say, "why don't you just fuck off then". I'll tell you why, it's because I have nowhere else to go. I can only thank @Weeksy so many times for putting up with the fallout but in my defence, I only ever respond in kind when someone goes out of their way to wind me up.

I put that in bold because I thought the idea was when someone goes out of their way to deliberately ruin a thread of mine, I report it rather than escalate. That process is not working. I report these issues, the report gets closed, I then react to the insult(s) and incredibly - I get the blame! Then my thread is locked or deleted. That has happened many, many times now and while I do not expect any moderator to follow me around, I was hoping for some level of fairness. It's not as if the real culprit is difficult to spot...

I also directed my apology towards mentioning my illness during various conversations. I am not holding it up like a shield as if one should never mock the afflicted, it just sometimes pops up especially when I am being accused of tinfoilhattery as if I am some kind of nutcase. As you might now understand, it is stress. I am particularly fearful that one day, inevitably it transpires, I will in fact literally lose my mind. If people have to rely on insisting that loss has already occurred in order to refute my opinion, they will be wrong. “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.” I will leave this place long before I lose my mind.

Having said all that, I can't resist sharing my latest, favourite aphorism because, while I do try really hard to keep my posts on topic, I am still human.

Here goes:

"I may not be a gynaecologist but I know a cunt when I see one".

Well it's new to me anyway. Shame to end on such a note but I thought it was hilarious and might even come in handy...

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Re: Limitless

Post by KungFooBob »

I prefer "I'm not a pancake expert, but I know a tosser when I see one"

Stay safe Screwd!
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

...but it is so rare to be able to use the "c" word these days...
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Re: Limitless

Post by Mussels »

I have a very good idea how difficult MS can be and how the system is now rigged against you getting help, what you need is to catch cancer so you can get chemo as the best chance to fix your MS. It's a weird world.
Good luck and try not to take everything so personally even though it might seem like everyone is out to get you sometimes.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

PS. I can see some PMs are "on hold" but I am unable to download or view them. I don't know what the status of my membership here is, some features seem to have reappeared since I logged in last.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

Mussels wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:49 pm I have a very good idea how difficult MS can be and how the system is now rigged against you getting help, what you need is to catch cancer so you can get chemo as the best chance to fix your MS. It's a weird world.
Good luck and try not to take everything so personally even though it might seem like everyone is out to get you sometimes.
I will know a lot more in the next couple of days. Can't remember the exact name (can't spell it or even pronounce it) but I get my course of drugs tomorrow and subsequent training. Soon find out what the side effects may be but I don't think it's going to "do" anything except potentially slow down progress...

Interesting re: chemo. I may have to start taking this thing seriously. The Methylpred was just brilliant, if these <whatevertheyare> drugs don't give me anything positive, I may revisit 'pred and the hell with the consequences. That was the most extraordinary experience I have ever had on any drug. (I might re-read this very thread just to remind me...)

Here's hoping the left arm thing is a physical problem. Like I say, that gets looked at this week too.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Potter »

A friend has MS, properly diagnosed stuff, she reckons Magnesium and Vitamin D (5,000iu per day) helps keep it at bay.
She quit her job in a professional occupation (law) because stress bought it on too, but finds a fairly basic job where she has no stress is a big help to keep her occupied, she has a couple of part-time jobs.

I've said this before but I think you're one of the most intelligent and astute people I've ever met, but you're in a rut and I know myself that it's hard to get out of one when you're in it, especially if your physical health is a challenge too.
Personally I find that physical activity works wonders, a walk, a run, a swim, if you can.
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Re: Limitless

Post by weeksy »

Screwdriver wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:51 pm PS. I can see some PMs are "on hold" but I am unable to download or view them. I don't know what the status of my membership here is, some features seem to have reappeared since I logged in last.
There are no 'features' simple as that, the restrictions are, number of PMs. We've had this debate, they're on hold because your inbox/outbox/sent items are full, it's literally that simple. I can't make it any clearer. If you delete all your PMs from all folders, the new ones will magically arrive.

As i'm feeling kind and it's new bike day, i've put you back into the Subscribers group, this is for 24 hours. That gives you 24 hours to pick up anything from PMs you want to organise, file, save, delete, read or do anything else with.

Now the not nice bit... this is because of YOU not me. You tried to hold the fact you'd paid the forum £15 against me and hold it over my head that i owed you something. That is why i refunded your £15 subscription. No other reason, no agenda. You made me feel like that if you still had the £15 paid that it was all my fault that i let things happen and i should stand up for you because you'd given me £15. Let me just explain how little i value £15 lol... For the ammount of effort, hassle and complete bollox i have to read, put up with and respond to, not very highly. That's it.
Clearly some people on here like you, i don't dislike you, or like you, you're just a poster on the forum, i base my 'like' on the content people create on here.. That's just me, i'm just a simple boy.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

weeksy wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:42 am
Screwdriver wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:51 pm PS. I can see some PMs are "on hold" but I am unable to download or view them. I don't know what the status of my membership here is, some features seem to have reappeared since I logged in last.
There are no 'features' simple as that, the restrictions are, number of PMs. We've had this debate, they're on hold because your inbox/outbox/sent items are full, it's literally that simple. I can't make it any clearer. If you delete all your PMs from all folders, the new ones will magically arrive.

As i'm feeling kind and it's new bike day, i've put you back into the Subscribers group, this is for 24 hours. That gives you 24 hours to pick up anything from PMs you want to organise, file, save, delete, read or do anything else with.

Now the not nice bit... this is because of YOU not me. You tried to hold the fact you'd paid the forum £15 against me and hold it over my head that i owed you something. That is why i refunded your £15 subscription. No other reason, no agenda. You made me feel like that if you still had the £15 paid that it was all my fault that i let things happen and i should stand up for you because you'd given me £15. Let me just explain how little i value £15 lol... For the ammount of effort, hassle and complete bollox i have to read, put up with and respond to, not very highly. That's it.
Clearly some people on here like you, i don't dislike you, or like you, you're just a poster on the forum, i base my 'like' on the content people create on here.. That's just me, i'm just a simple boy.
That is simply not true. I merely mentioned the fact that I thought it only fair that I should become a paid up member because I seem to attract a lot of attention which impinges on your time perhaps more so than the average poster.

Yesterday I popped in to see what's been happening and suddenly I was able to see all the items in my PMs. Also I note my sig and other forum features were back again. I don't understand why you would suggest this forum does not have any "features".

If you want to keep it simple, perhaps you could explain to me and the other forum members why you decided to "remove me from the subscribers group". That is merely a euphemism for "I don't want you here".

Clearly if you persist in this persecution then it is impossible for me to remain. To stretch your pub analogy, it's like choosing to go into a pub you've been a regular for years through different ownerships and the new landlord forces you to stand in a corner.

If you're going to single me out for punishment, then you are effectively telling me to leave.
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Re: Limitless

Post by weeksy »

FFS i wonder why i fucking bother.


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If you want to keep it simple, perhaps you could explain to me and the other forum members why you decided to "remove me from the subscribers group". That is merely a euphemism for "I don't want you here"
I've made that clear more than once. You made me feel that i owed you for the fact you'd given me £15. You were removed as you were/are no longer a subscriber... simple as that.
Clearly if you persist in this persecution then it is impossible for me to remain. To stretch your pub analogy, it's like choosing to go into a pub you've been a regular for years through different ownerships and the new landlord forces you to stand in a corner.

If you're going to single me out for punishment, then you are effectively telling me to leave.
I'm putting you in the naughty corner because you cause me more trouble than anyone else on the forum. I'm singling you out because you're the only person EVER who's commented about how you've given 'me' money.... I'm sure you realise i don't sit there drinking expensive wine from the £15 people subscribe or donate.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

So having said there are no "features" you go on to list them as if I hadn't just pointed out those things that you had removed.

That's weird.

I just explained why I thought it only fair I should pay a subscription, I can't help what you think I mean if you continue to ignore my explanation for what I actually meant.

Interesting spin on someone stupid enough to believe paying a subscription is in any way helpful. Again, I mention it only because I recognise the trouble other posters cause, because of me. Other users... Oh and as for the drink thing, I sent you a gift which if I recall correctly, you flagged as "buy me a drink" donation last Christmas. You tell me you didn't even notice which is the only reason I mention it.

"Trouble"? You mean all the responses my posts generate? How do you measure the success of a forum? By making sure it stays nice and quiet?

If you want me to leave, I have to leave. There is no argument I can make which can persuade you. It's your call but I can't stay here under a permanent shadow.
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Re: Limitless

Post by weeksy »

Screwdriver wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:40 am If you want me to leave, I have to leave. There is no argument I can make which can persuade you. It's your call but I can't stay here under a permanent shadow.
I don't care if you stay or if you leave ... i really don't.... i can't say it any more times, i simply don't care. You're one of many posters, if you stay you post, if you leave, someone else will post... it's that simple. You say you've been away for a while, that's OK, i don't think the forum has suffered because of it.

You created the shadow, if you want to get out of the shadow, that's down to you, not me.
Oh and as for the drink thing, I sent you a gift which if I recall correctly, you flagged as "buy me a drink" donation last Christmas. You tell me you didn't even notice which is the only reason I mention it.
Not quite, the drink was to take the moderators out for lunch to thank them for the work they'd put in over the last year.... it wasn't buy me a drink.... sigh.
"Trouble"? You mean all the responses my posts generate? How do you measure the success of a forum? By making sure it stays nice and quiet?
The responses are not responses that please me generally.

Posters i like seeing content from are for example Skub, KFB, Dodgy69, Taipan..... Can you work out why.... because they're about motorbikes, riding, trips, spannering, new bikes, old bikes...

Whilst this forum has other sections, it's primarily a motorbike forum, you know, hence the name, the banner...

I measure the success by how many people join and stay.... which in truth, is very few.... I feel part of the reason they don't stay, is posts like you create. People come away from FB etc to get away from the political bollox, the internet bullshit and the conspiracy theories.... but then... you bring it all here and ram it down the forums throats time and time and time again.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

weeksy wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:44 am
Screwdriver wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:40 am If you want me to leave, I have to leave. There is no argument I can make which can persuade you. It's your call but I can't stay here under a permanent shadow.
I don't care if you stay or if you leave ... i really don't.... i can't say it any more times, i simply don't care. You're one of many posters, if you stay you post, if you leave, someone else will post... it's that simple. You say you've been away for a while, that's OK, i don't think the forum has suffered because of it.

You created the shadow, if you want to get out of the shadow, that's down to you, not me.
Obviously you DO care because you are refusing to allow me to remain a subscriber. That's your call, you can't blame me for what you are doing.

The "shadow" is the constant reminder that you have singled me out as an undesirable. While I could continue to frequent this forum as a non paying member, I would be constantly reminded I am unwelcome here because of your decision to restrict my access to those features you claim do not exist.
weeksy wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:44 am
Screwdriver wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:40 am Oh and as for the drink thing, I sent you a gift which if I recall correctly, you flagged as "buy me a drink" donation last Christmas. You tell me you didn't even notice which is the only reason I mention it.
Not quite, the drink was to take the moderators out for lunch to thank them for the work they'd put in over the last year.... it wasn't buy me a drink.... sigh.
So it was a contribution I freely made relating to drinks. Glad you cleared that up. No, no, don't thank me... FFS.
weeksy wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 7:44 am Whilst this forum has other sections, it's primarily a motorbike forum, you know, hence the name, the banner...

I measure the success by how many people join and stay.... which in truth, is very few.... I feel part of the reason they don't stay, is posts like you create. People come away from FB etc to get away from the political bollox, the internet bullshit and the conspiracy theories.... but then... you bring it all here and ram it down the forums throats time and time and time again.
I have two garages full of bikes, a large shed full and a few more in the cellar. Currently I am unable to do anything with them due to poor health. I'm not looking for pity here before you object to my answering your question, I merely present this as the reason I am currently not making restoration videos or picture heavy bike related content etc. The weather isn't helping either but I'll have to get on with it sometime.

I don't ram anything. Read it or don't read it, I could care less but if you mean "conspiracy theories" like a potential war in Ukraine, the rise of AI or the lies surrounding C*V*D, profiteering Big Pharma, Elon Musk and Twitter with all the behind the scenes political censorship of YouTube/Google et al. or the Biden mafia, then you're wrong. They can no longer be referred to as conspiracy theories when they are proved true.

It reminds me somewhat of my own predicament where I see an eye doctor or a heart specialist or <whatever> when in reality, there is an underlying phenomena which connects the dots. It's the same in the real world. You might think the Biden corruption has nothing to do with the persistence of warmongering in Ukraine and the resulting disastrous effect on energy prices, I submit you'd be wrong. Agree or disagree, just because you choose instead to shut me up, does not mean I am a conspiracy theorist.

I did not create a politics or news/current affairs section. You did. I merely contribute.
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Re: Limitless

Post by DefTrap »

Your situation sounds awful but I think the olive branch of how to continue, on here, has been spelled out. I think it makes it difficult to have a normal conversation about current affairs when posts are littered with 'lies', ' censorship', 'mafia', 'shut me up'? 'Conspiracy' too, obviously. And if you're spending more than 50% of your time in the current affairs subforum on a bike forum, it maybe indicates an issue.

Just saying.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

The Quickening...

Ok here we go then. The well oiled machine of big pharma rolled up in a fancy car to show me how to stick a needle into my leg. "pharmaxo" brand Kesimpta with their concoction of ofatumumab.

Yeah try getting that past Chat GPT. I think they ran out of words (if not vowels).

Apparently if knocks out all of your B cells and removes all vestiges of your immune system. Sounds like a great idea to give to someone suffering from immune deficiency right??

Anyhow that was 9 hours ago and suddenly I am a shivering wreck. As if I have an extreme fever with uncontrollable shaking which, thank fuck, actually appears to have subsided.

Tomorrow I am on my only "break" this year. Off to a foreign country (Yokshire) to meet up with a five year old germ factory (Tor) and his mum I remain friends with years after she (understandably) left.

Whats the worst that could happen? Well any number of the side effects scheduled for 24 hours post injection could happen slap bang in the middle of a 250 mile train trip. :thumbup:

I will blog the results here. I could not change the dates of either event. I has already been years since I should have started on MS medication and my ex. is someone who plans things professionally. Down to the last biscuit.

So now we know: What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?

Run into it head first with everything you've got.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

All good so far. Like nothing happened.

Probably have to dodge the kung flu forever without taking the dreaded jab but that’s easy for a hermit.
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Re: Limitless

Post by Screwdriver »

Screwdriver wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 2:08 pm In the meantime WHO yes the privately funded plaything of Billy Gates and his rich chums, have published data they have known since day 1. ... 20?lang=en

COVID-19 vaccine can cause Multiple Sclerosis as well as causing a relapse in anyone susceptible to it.

VERY difficult to simply "find" this information. The published report is buried and censored from Google etc.

If you use duckDuckGo you might find it but you'll have to use the information above. So you literally have to know what you're looking for before you can find.

At the same time you'll be bombarded with "conspiracy theorist" nonsense which frankly, is beginning to look a bit lame now don'tcha think...

And again, for anyone who doesn't care or doesn't want to know; don't read my stuff. Ignorance is bliss.

I wonder if this will make it into mainstream news? :hmmm:
My bold. Oh well, the world is waking up to this extraordinary scam. AstraZeneca has been busted.

About time too. Where can I find a decent lawyer...
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Re: Limitless

Post by Mussels »

It is thought that many medicines can trigger MS but as far as I know there's no proof for any of them.
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Re: Limitless

Post by DefTrap »

Mussels wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:30 pm It is thought that many medicines can trigger MS but as far as I know there's no proof for any of them.
And even if it did, for a specific AZ vaccine (which was it doesn't), if it was in sufficient detectable numbers to cause harm then it wouldn't pass testing, so the "data they have known about since day 1" is verifiable bollocks. And, as said 1000 times before, data continues to be collected post trial and adverse events reported - it's not as if anyone is trying to hide anything.