How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Dodgy69 »

There is a simple solution to this grey area... Outdoor exercise once a day for 30 mins max. When government enforce this I will adear to it. Simple as that.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Tricky »

Tricky wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:55 pm It's the calm before the (potential) storm for me.
My girlfriend went down with it on Sunday just gone and has been suffering quite badly since then, although I don't think she's in any danger, just really uncomfortable and not having a very good time at all - I was with her all day Saturday up until Sunday morning and we did hold hands etc once or twice during that time, so am assuming I can't have escaped having it passed to me.

I've been in self-isolation since Sunday (we have separate houses), am still working pretty much as normal from home, but the not going out at all is getting to me a bit already as its been so nice outside, I miss running or getting out on a bike badly, and it's all just a bit weird TBH;- I am finding it hard to believe I am going to get it as I feel absolutely fine at the moment, but from what I can gather average incubation time is approx 5 days which would make it tomorrow night / Friday for me, so I guess I'll find out soon enough :|
An update on my experience of it so far, for anyone who's interested.
OH is still suffering, she's definitely on the mend and has had started eating semi-normally the last couple of days and coming downstairs, but the fever and coughing fits seem to come and go.
As for me, I've been waiting a week for it to hit me, and on Friday just gone (6 days after her fever and muscle pains etc really kicked in) I had immense feelings of tiredness/lethargy and a headache that I just couldn't shift.
Friday night I went to bed at 20:30 - can't remember last time I've done that, and I just couldn't get out of bed in the morning- again, I'm an early riser, and never lie in but it was gone 11 before I got out of bed yesterday, and I felt like shit. No noticeable temperature or cough, but did have a sort of clammy feel, dull, heavy headache and just felt fucked- the best way I can describe it is like a bad hangover, but I'd had nothing to drink to cause it.
I got myself into the garage for a few hours and did a lot of tidying and sorting out, which made me feel a bit better, but the head and knackered feeling was still there.
Relatively early night again last night with some paracetamol, great sleep and woke early this morning feeling tip-top, so pulled the shorts and running shoes on and went for an illegal/irresponsible/thoughtful with no risk or harm to anyone else (delete as appropriate) 5-mile run, and can honestly say I haven't enjoyed a run like that for a long long time.
I wasn't trying to run at any specific pace, but my pace was decent and my usual pace for this route, normal HR range, and no coughing, puffing, stopping. It was very windy and pretty cold but lovely sunny and bright, and just brilliant to be out.

I ran for a large part down and back what is the main road between our village and the next, and it was all a bit apocalyptic - I saw a couple of pairs of MAMILs and one other runner, but just 3 moving cars and an Ocado van in the whole run - I could have run the whole time down the middle of the road if I wanted without getting run over, never seen it lie this, even at silly-o-clock in the morning.

So, touch wood, assuming I don't suddenly fall ill over the next few days, that's as bad as C19 has been for me- Of course, I cannot say with absolute certainty that I have had it as I haven't been tested, but I am as sure as I can be that I would have been infected from the contact I had up until my isolation, as soon as the antigen testing kits are commercially available I will be getting one so that I know for definite.

I will of course still be observing the remaining 7 days of my self-isolation, albeit with a mindful, and no-risk-to-anyone-else run each day, but am hoping that I've had it and I'm through it, and that really is it for me- will keep you posted....
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by G.P »

^^^^^^ Glad you' and the GF are feeling better Tricky :thumbsup:
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Tricky »

Cheers old boy, must admit, I feel so good today am wondering if I was actually slightly rough earlier in the week and it just gradually crept up on me, or maybe it's just the getting out for a run that has made me feel so different.

Anyway, hope you and yours are still all good, and whenever we get back to the new normal, whatever that is, we can get out on those TDs, Jolly-boys road trips etc :)
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by weeksy »

Good news Rich :)

I've just braved the supermarket for the first time in 10 days.

HAd my A*'s buff over my face and was probably freaking people out. But didn't much care to be fair.

Was tempted to batter the shit out of some guy who seemed happy stretching over me to pick something off a shelf... But kept my shit together and never.

Back home again now and happy we have food till our delivery on the 11th.

Trying to stay off the bicycle today and give my legs a rest.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Dodgy69 »

Good read Tricky,

It's nice to know how others are dealing with it, especially those close to the virus, presumably. I know of a few who talk about a dull headache, putting it down to an increase in alcohol and a reduction in water. You never know.

I had my safe pedal today, on my own, about 12 miles. For me, it is almost essential to get out in the fresh air and feeling much better about staying in for the rest of the day on my return.

Now, I'm not starting an issue here and personally have no problem but, what is the situation regarding horse riding. I came up behind two riding together. Twinkle on my bell, horses ears turn, riders pull over and a nice morning and thankyou. Is this exercise.?? One or two cyclists about but not much else. All very safe and pleasant and within government guidelines.

Hope the GF makes a speedy recovery.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by weeksy »

Dodgy knees wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 2:52 pm Good read Tricky,

It's nice to know how others are dealing with it, especially those close to the virus, presumably. I know of a few who talk about a dull headache, putting it down to an increase in alcohol and a reduction in water. You never know.

I had my safe pedal today, on my own, about 12 miles. For me, it is almost essential to get out in the fresh air and feeling much better about staying in for the rest of the day on my return.

Now, I'm not starting an issue here and personally have no problem but, what is the situation regarding horse riding. I came up behind two riding together. Twinkle on my bell, horses ears turn, riders pull over and a nice morning and thankyou. Is this exercise.?? One or two cyclists about but not much else. All very safe and pleasant and within government guidelines.

Hope the GF makes a speedy recovery.
I dunno really, but it's deffo animal welfare, so I'm giving it the thumbs up in my mind.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Yorick »

Supt Steve Pont, of Derbyshire Police, told the BBC's Today programme: "We wanted to reinforce the message of stay home and a number of people aren't staying home, they're finding excuses or loopholes - and we just wanted to illustrate that this is the wrong thing to do."

Even thickos should be able to understand that.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by G.P »

We're all healthy and have everything we need. Our local supermarket was back to normal yesterday (bar the queuing and distancing).
I'm fortunate to still have work and will be WFH for as long we have lock down. I consider myself very lucky.

I've got a couple of Ducati projects in the garage that I can work on without having to buy too much stuff. A gasket set, a set of belts, some oil and a filter and I should be able to rebuild the motor that's on the bench. I may see if I can do internet orders...
If that comes off, I can then put the frame on the motor and attach the front end....

Or just waste countless hours doing down worm holes on You tube discovering new guitarists! :)
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by G.P »

Yorick wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:34 pm Supt Steve Pont, of Derbyshire Police, told the BBC's Today programme: "We wanted to reinforce the message of stay home and a number of people aren't staying home, they're finding excuses or loopholes - and we just wanted to illustrate that this is the wrong thing to do."

Even thickos should be able to understand that.
Horses seemed to survive OK before humans started riding them ;) I'm not convinced taking horses out on the highway is really necessary, why not ride them round the field they graze in?

There was an interesting discussion on the Radio the other day. What's the harm in sitting on a secluded riverbank all day? it was agreed that the risk of virus spread was considerably lower then queuing to get into the supermarket but it was also agreed that it sends the wrong message. Unless the river runs along the bottom of your Garden, don't go out and travel to do stuff that non essential.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Potter »

G.P wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:39 pm We're all healthy and have everything we need. Our local supermarket was back to normal yesterday (bar the queuing and distancing).
I'm fortunate to still have work and will be WFH for as long we have lock down. I consider myself very lucky.
That's about where we're at really, I'd say fortunate rather than lucky because we've worked hard for it, but at a pinch I could get away with no income for a few years if I really had to. Currently we're both working from home and doing ok, so you could say lucky/fortunate/whatever, but I'm not taking it for granted, a lot of people are going to suffer.

I'm fairly sure we've all had it, it wiped us all out for most of Feb. On the last day of Jan I woke up with what I thought was the worst flu of my life, but weirdly no blocked nose. No warning the day before, went to bed a little tired but no more than that, woke up the next morning wondering wtf had hit me - it was like zero to full on flu, worst I've ever had, but really strange with no blocked nose.

Chest pains so bad that I thought I was coughing up blood, but I wasn't. Shivers and sweats for about 3-4 days, but then 2-3 weeks of shortness of breath and a cough/fatigue that lasted until the beginning of March. The fatigue was bad, some mornings I was dragging myself out of bed - but the chest pain was the worst, really savage pains when I coughed.

Wife had it as bad as me but less chest pain, middle daughter was wiped out, fainted twice and terrible shortness of breath, our 16yr old had a mild version for 4-5 days then said he felt ok, but he's got a crazy pain threshold and nothing seems to faze him.

I was the only one that went to the docs but they sent me home with a sick note for a week and said it was flu.
We're all back to normal now - don't know if it was c19 but whatever it was none of us want it again, it was definitely in my top 3 of how ill I've ever felt.

So far the lock down is working pretty well for us, we're having home cooked meals every day because we have time to cook, work is getting done as well as it did when I went to the office everyday and I'm having more sex than I usually would now Mrs Iccy is stuck at home with me, I could actually get used to this.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Tricky »

Harry wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:20 pm
G.P wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:39 pm We're all healthy and have everything we need. Our local supermarket was back to normal yesterday (bar the queuing and distancing).
I'm fortunate to still have work and will be WFH for as long we have lock down. I consider myself very lucky.
That's about where we're at really, I'd say fortunate rather than lucky because we've worked hard for it, but at a pinch I could get away with no income for a few years if I really had to. Currently we're both working from home and doing ok, so you could say lucky/fortunate/whatever, but I'm not taking it for granted, a lot of people are going to suffer.

I'm fairly sure we've all had it, it wiped us all out for most of Feb. On the last day of Jan I woke up with what I thought was the worst flu of my life, but weirdly no blocked nose. No warning the day before, went to bed a little tired but no more than that, woke up the next morning wondering wtf had hit me - it was like zero to full on flu, worst I've ever had, but really strange with no blocked nose.

Chest pains so bad that I thought I was coughing up blood, but I wasn't. Shivers and sweats for about 3-4 days, but then 2-3 weeks of shortness of breath and a cough/fatigue that lasted until the beginning of March. The fatigue was bad, some mornings I was dragging myself out of bed - but the chest pain was the worst, really savage pains when I coughed.

Wife had it as bad as me but less chest pain, middle daughter was wiped out, fainted twice and terrible shortness of breath, our 16yr old had a mild version for 4-5 days then said he felt ok, but he's got a crazy pain threshold and nothing seems to faze him.

I was the only one that went to the docs but they sent me home with a sick note for a week and said it was flu.
We're all back to normal now - don't know if it was c19 but whatever it was none of us want it again, it was definitely in my top 3 of how ill I've ever felt.

So far the lock down is working pretty well for us, we're having home cooked meals every day because we have time to cook, work is getting done as well as it did when I went to the office everyday and I'm having more sex than I usually would now Mrs Iccy is stuck at home with me, I could actually get used to this.
Your experience is how my OH's started and pretty much exactly how her experience has been to date. She's currently a week into it, she and I are, or at least were, hoping it would fizzle out this week but going by yours, sounds like that might be wishful thinking :(
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Potter »

Tricky wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:30 pm
Your experience is how my OH's started and pretty much exactly how her experience has been to date. She's currently a week into it, she and I are, or at least were, hoping it would fizzle out this week but going by yours, sounds like that might be wishful thinking :(
We all had a slightly different version of it, my daughter (26yrs) seemed to have a more concentrated dose of it, but it didn't last as long as mine and after a week or so she was somewhere near normal.
My wife had a milder cough/pain but it lasted a bit longer (but she smokes) and my boy seemed to have some symptoms and had a bit of a moan but shrugged it off. Oldest daughter couldn't understand what the fuss was about, she felt tired but no other symptoms.

I should point out that at the time we didn't really think much about C19, because the hype around it hadn't really reached much over here, so we put it down to a nasty flu.

Another point to note - after almost 2 weeks I thought I felt ok, so I went for a short run and nearly collapsed, I felt ok when I left the house and was keen to 'run it off' and get back to normal, but within half a mile I was wiped out and dizzy, so I went straight home, then all the symptoms seemed to come back and it seemed to start again, for another 10 days or so.

Very weird.
I'm not saying it was C19, we get some really bad flu's and stuff here because of everyone passing through, but it definitely wasn't a normal thing.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Bike Breaker »

Dodgy knees wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:54 amWe do hear the stay at home slogan bouncing around but this is mainly for urban dwellers or folks without guaranteed personal space or where they may meet people and avoidance is difficult. It's a simple message to the worried or unsure what to do folk.
Have the people in charge actually said that? I haven't seen every update broadcast so have missed it. I was under the impression that the lockdown was required for everyone wherever they live and not intended to have different rules for different people.
I never did believe "we're all in this together".
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Yorick »

Bike Breaker wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:36 pm
Dodgy knees wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:54 amWe do hear the stay at home slogan bouncing around but this is mainly for urban dwellers or folks without guaranteed personal space or where they may meet people and avoidance is difficult. It's a simple message to the worried or unsure what to do folk.
Have the people in charge actually said that? I haven't seen every update broadcast so have missed it. I was under the impression that the lockdown was required for everyone wherever they live and not intended to have different rules for different people.
I never did believe "we're all in this together".
Idiots are allowed to ignore the rules :)
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by MrLongbeard »

Shit is getting real, I can't bloody find anyone selling the wine I like except for price gougers :|
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by erizo »

allo you lot!

due to having been in lockdown for 2 weeks here in spain, i though "wassup with the folks on TRC?"....went there and saw the news and shot over here.

it´s not going too bad in casa de erizo. the missus is working from home linked into her works computer, i went semi retired 3 years back and shut the shop (still doing odds and ends of bike stuff for mates from home) and the kids have got their school work online.

though actually getting the kids to do it is somewhat akin to nailing jelly to a wall (looks for `hitting self in head with hammer´emote).

there´s plenty of books in the house, cable TV, and enough games on the PS4 to stop boredom setting in.

there´s stuff in the shops and bogroll isn´t a worry as every house here has a bidet....shiney bum time!.....though naturally some twats have been bulk buying.

overall, it´s worrying here. spain has one of the best life expectancies in the e.u, and as a result we´ve got a lot of old people here. i believe this is part of why the mortality figures are so high here, though i ain´t taking any chances!

my father wrecked his car 4 weeks ago and lives about 50kms from my house out in the sticks, so he´s been in forced isolation before this all went down. he´s 88, so he´s taking heed and not being a pilliock for once in his life :D

all told, yep, we´re concerned, but overall it´s nothing we can´t overcome. just by being careful and avoiding other people we´re staying safe.
did i just type that? crap!
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Dodgy69 »

Current government guidelines for UK residents...copied.

1. Staying at home
You should only leave the house for very limited purposes:

shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible.
one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household.
any medical need, including to donate blood, avoid or escape risk of injury or harm, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.
travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home.

As said above... there are still many, many folks being told to go to work. It seems it's down to individual companies to decide if there business is essential or not.??
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by weeksy »

Dodgy knees wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:34 am As said above... there are still many, many folks being told to go to work. It seems it's down to individual companies to decide if there business is essential or not.??
That's the crazy part... really really crazy. There shouldn't be a discussion really. Safety should come first.

But that said, we all stand a chance of going completely crazy here too, taking things too far.

CV19 isn't an instant death sentence when you get it... it's not "Oh i've got CV19..... dead"....

I don't know the answer, i just try and use my own common sense so have barely been out. But i don't think for a second everyone will, or indeed should. I'm exceptionally lucky with my job that the demand for the services we supply are in greater demand currently, particularly 4G and 5G, so we're doing OK i believe. But many many others will struggle massively of course.
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Re: How's the lockdown going for everyone ?

Post by Dodgy69 »

The government have left the door open a tad, one mistake is presuming folks have common sence. As a rule, I always read docs very carefully especially from official sources. Treat it like listening to an MP answering a question.

The current "guidelines" will have a different affect on different people, depending mainly on where you live. If social distancing is impossible then stay home it is. If you can safely get out and exercise, all good.

There are some folk who are staying indoors, for some, this can affect there mental health and often take out there frustrations on others via forum, etc. My advice to them is to make the most of any garden space they may have, just getting out of the house can make us all feel better.

Until the UK government tighten things up, people will continue to be forced to go to work and continue to go outdoors, whilst applying social distancing guidelines of coarse.

My understanding of current UK C19 guidelines, not overseas.
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