Then in Feb I'm going to see Kid Kapichi in Camden, really looking forward to that as really like them and not seen them live before.
May I think it is I have The Bronx and Turnstile which will be amazing.
Then finally (for the moment) I have Iron Maiden in July I think it is. Maiden were the first band I ever saw when I was 12 (well technically it was Anthrax as they were supporting) and I've been meaning to book end things by going to see them again before they split up or die. So having put it off a few times (I hate arenas) I've bitten the bullet. Up the Irons
I'm sure they'll be a fair few other gigs I end up at.
I saw them support Giuda pre Covid in Camden and they were great, esp the bass player. Picked up one of their CDs they had for sale.